
Plaid Cymru ar Gyngor Gwynedd

Os ydych chi wedi bod yn darllen rhai o'r blogiau gwleidyddol dros y dyddiau diwethaf, fe wyddoch chi fod 'na ambell un sydd a'i gyllell ym Mhlaid Cymru yn dweud bod nifer o aelodau'r blaid ar Gyngor Gwynedd yn paratoi i adael y grwp. Mae Gwilym Euros Roberts - Cynghorydd Llais Gwynedd ym Mlaenau Ffestiniog - yn awgrymu y gallai 3 aelod o'r Blaid adael yn y flwyddyn newydd, tra bo Hen Rech Flin yn creu y gallai hyd at 7 aelod "groesi'r llawr". Does gen i ddim bwriad mynd i drafod fy nghyd-aelodau mewn fforwm gyhoeddus fel hon. Ond dwi yn credu bod 'na graciau go helaeth ym mheli crisial y ddau broffwyd gwae.
Wrth gwrs bod 'na wahaniaeth barn yn bodoli o fewn Plaid Cymru yng Ngwynedd - a fuo 'na blaid wleidyddol erioed lle 'roedd pob aelod yn gwbl gytun ar bob pwnc? A yw pob aelod o Lais Gwynedd yn gwbl gytun ar bopeth? Mae'n anodd gen i ddychmygu bod cenedlaetholwyr tanbaid fel Alwyn Gruffydd ac Owain Williams yn gweld lygaid-yn-llygaid a mewnfudwraig fel Louise Hughes ar bob pwnc. Ond dyna natur pleidiau gwleidyddol. Mae eu polisiau cyhoeddus yn aml yn ffrwyth trafodaeth fewnol ffyrnig.
Felly gai gynnig cyngor i unrhyw un sydd yn bwriadu mynd i osod bet ar y nifer o gynghorwyr sydd yn bwriadu gadael Plaid Cymru yng Ngwynedd? Ewch i ddarllen cofnodion cyfarfodyd y Cyngor dros y 7 mis diwethaf. Codwch y ffon am sgwrs ac un neu ddau o gynghorwyr Gwynedd. Gofynwch iddyn nhw sawl gwaith mae aelod o Blaid Cymru wedi pleidleisio yn erbyn y chwip mewn cyfarfod o'r Cyngor Llawn. Dwi wedi bod yn crafu fy mhen dros hyn, a dim ond 4 achos y medra i ei gofio. Hynny yw, os yw fy nghof i yn gywir, mae 'na 4 cynghorydd wedi pleidleisio yn erbyn y chwip un waith yr un. Gofynwch i chi eich hun, beth mae'r ffaith foel hon yn ei ddweud wrthych chi am undod Plaid Cymru ar Gyngor Gwynedd?


big sis said...

I am the loudmouth incomers sister. You are just a sore loser & a bigot. Our mother is a Welsh speaker, born & bred in Tywyn, Gwynedd. Our father is from a small village near Wrexham & he served his king, queen & country for 40 years. We grew up following the army around Europe,so there was little need for Welsh speaking - German was far more useful - in all that time, there was only one other Welsh speaker that we met. Your head is so far buried in the sands of the past that you would rather defend your language than help the people who speak it. Louise will help them - she is forthright yes but loud mouthed? No sir. Your comment is ill mannered and inflammatory. Are you also the man who is making obscene phone calls to my sisters house? or have you just triggered someone else by your nasty little blog?
She has a young daughter who could answer the phone, so I hope it isn't you. Are you man enough to join the 21st century commonwealth and respond in English? If not, go hide under the biggest Welsh rock you can find or the fiery dragon from Tywyn may seek you out.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't take much to bring out the Welsh-language-hating bigotry does it 'BigSis' - regardless of the rights and wrongs of the case, it's refreshing to see how much you hold our language and culture in such contempt!
"Are you man enough to join the 21st century commonwealth and respond in English? "
So now being English makes you a man does it?
The 21st century commonwealth indeed, one that as far you're concerned thinks of Welsh as useless and inferior...
Bigot. Pointless, ranting bigot.
Enough said.

big sis said...

I do not hold the Welsh language in contempt - never have and never will - on the contrary, it is a lyrical and beautiful language to my ears although I am unable to speak it myself. I do hold bad manners in contempt however and will not apogise for defending my sister - she not loudmouthed. Nor is she an immigrant. We have always come home to Wales with great joy. My sister has only the intention of helping people. I hope you will not hold my aggressive defensive of her against her. I apologise if you think I was anti Welsh or Wales - that is certainly not the case.

lionel said...

"We have always come home to Wales with great joy"

- surely this is the most important line in the whole silly argument.
Ddyla rywun sy'n meddwl bod yn rhaid siarad yr iaith i fod yn gymro/gymraes, feddwl yn ddwys iawn am beth maen nhw'n son. (Anyone who thinks that you must speak the language to be Welsh needs to have a good think about things